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Recent Alumni Continue to Grow Annual Wiffle Ball Tournament

May 09, 2024
By Lake Catholic

Many area boys grow up playing baseball in their local recreation leagues. But all boys grow up and eventually age out of those leagues.

Some continue on to high school baseball, but for most, their baseball careers end. 

Four recent Lake Catholic graduates weren’t satisfied with their baseball days being over, 所以他们决定做点什么. 现在,三年过去了,他们开创的事业已经变得比他们想象的要大.

7月27日星期六, Nick Regano, Nick Pellecchia, Andrew Zalar, and Jacob Minich, 全部来自2023届毕业生, will host The Third Annual Regano Wiffle Ball Tournament at Mentor Ridge Elementary School. 

“We all played rec baseball together and we didn’t want it to end,” said Regano, 肯特州立大学金融专业的学生. “So, we got a bunch of kids together one day to play wiffle ball. More and more kids wanted to play, and we ended up turning it into a tournament. 那是第一年. 我们真的不知道我们在做什么. It was a mess. 现在,我们要开始第三次比赛了.”

比赛可不是闹着玩的. Gone are the days of just getting a group of kids to play wiffle ball in an open field. 这次比赛需要九个月的计划, 有五页的规则手册吗, 有一个小卖部, 吸引来观看的家人和朋友, 向优胜者和亚军颁发奖金, and now, 最重要的是对经营公司的人来说, a charity component. 

第一年他们有19支队伍参加比赛. 去年增加到32个. They liked that number, so this year’s tournament is again capped at 32 teams. There are eight four-team divisions, with each team guaranteed to play three games. 每个赛区的前两名队伍将进入单淘汰赛,决出冠军. 
冠军队伍赢得1000美元. The runners-up get their money back (there is a $15 per person entry fee).

Last year, all the proceeds from the concession stand were donated to JBS Strong, a childhood cancer foundation in honor of the late Jack Sawyer, 是门特高中的学生. 

雷加诺说:“所有的食物和东西都是捐赠的,所以我们做的一切都捐给了慈善机构。. “今年,我们联系了杰克的家人,看看是否还有其他人可以捐赠. This year all our concession proceeds are going to Addie Strong.” 

Addie is a young girl from Mentor who has been diagnosed with medulloblastoma.

“We’re really trying to make the charity an integral part of this,” said Zalar, 他在俄亥俄州立大学主修金融. “We hopefully will have more than $1,000 to give to them this year. 我们知道如果我们给它1美元,它就不好看了,给获胜的队伍000英镑, 但捐给慈善机构的钱不多. 所以,我们今年要大力推销我们的特许经营权,尽可能多地筹集资金.”

他们已经从赛事赞助商Regano Financial Services Inc .那里得到了500美元的赞助.

To this point, 这项锦标赛只有男性选手参加, 但组织者表示,这只是一个巧合, 他们并不反对让女性竞争. The ages range from 12/13-year-olds to guys in their 50s and 60s. 尽管大多数球队都是由来自该地区的高中生和大学生组成的, 包括来自门托高中的球员, Kirtland, and NDCL. Pellecchia, 代顿大学刑事司法专业的学生, said that about 50-60% of the players are either current Lake Catholic students or alumni.

To put it on, the four talk at least once a week the entire year just about wiffle ball, 然后在6月和7月增加. 他们必须建造和修复他们的打击区. 他们还必须与里奇小学合作,预留三天的场地,其中一天用于设置, one to play, and one to clean up.

“The fields take a long time to get set up,” Pellecchia said. 

“这两年我们学到了很多,”Zalar说. “我们必须把我们的领域转向不同的方向. 我们在树林里丢了太多本垒打.”

雷加诺说:“到了我只要求威夫球和其他东西作为圣诞节礼物的地步。. “我还会在冬天去迪克(体育用品)买东西,因为那时没有人玩威弗球. 所以我知道他们会有很多存货.”

所有的栅栏都是橙色的雪栅栏. 每个人必须使用所提供的普通黄色球棒. They use plenty of spray paint to draw the field and basepaths. 他们使用真正的橡胶底座和投球橡胶.

On game day, 游戏是自我判断的, although they do look for volunteers to help ump the playoff games, 尤其是在奖金岌岌可危的情况下.

“It’s a lot of fun, 竞争确实很激烈, 但无非是些废话,” Pellecchia said. “我们确实认为去年是我们上大学后的最后一年. We kind of used it as a last hurrah before we went off to college, 但现在,它将成为我们许多人的团聚. 所以我很高兴我们决定继续下去.”


任何想要了解更多信息的人都可以查看比赛的Instagram页面@reganowiffleballclassic. 如果你有兴趣报名参加今年的比赛,你可以填写以下表格 this Google Form.

Tags: Alumni


April 09, 2024
By Lake Catholic

一年级美术老师 Carolina Kane 她的日常工作一直很忙. But if that’s not enough, she also has her own photography business – 卡罗莱纳·凯恩摄影.

快速浏览一下她的商业网站, 你会看到老年人和全家福, weddings, fine art, editorial work, and much more. 你很少看到的是pp电子平台.

That all changed this past weekend when she worked freelance for Cleveland Magazine and shot more than 2,000 pictures at the NCAA Women’s Division I Final Four at Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse. 她的照片可以在网上找到 Cleveland Magazine website.

“It was so intense and filled with anxiety,” Carolina said. “那里有很多人,也有很多媒体. 但那是一次很酷的经历.”

她参加了所有三场比赛——周五晚上的全国半决赛和周日的冠军赛——并在球场上四处走动,尽可能多地投篮. 她说她周五下午5点就在那里(第一场比赛7点开始),直到周六凌晨1点左右才离开.

“这是漫长的一天,”她说. “我要拍摄两场比赛,然后在媒体室编辑直到周六凌晨. 但周六一整天都在编辑更多的内容.”

她和来自 Cleveland Magazine在他的新闻报道中打针. 他不仅在文章中使用了她的照片, 但她会在比赛间隙和中场休息时把图片发给她的艺术总监,以便在社交媒体上发布更正式的帖子.

She had a floor pass for Saturday night’s second semifinal between Connecticut and Iowa, 两位体育界最大牌的明星领衔演出, 佩吉·比克斯和凯特琳·克拉克, 就在底线上.

“气氛很紧张,”她说. “There I was in between ESPN’s still photographer and the Associated Press. 最重要的是,这是一场很棒的比赛.


After that late-night Friday and all-day editing Saturday, it was time to go back on Sunday for the championship game between Iowa and South Carolina. 南卡罗莱纳以87比75赢得了全国冠军.


“这是一次很棒的经历,”卡罗莱纳说. “I sent (Cleveland Magazine) 634 edited photos. 这是一个漫长的周末,但很值得.

“I was so proud to be photographing such a high-profile women’s game. It was incredible that so many people were there to support women in sports. The energy in the room was electric and every basket was met with a roar from the crowd. 作为一名女摄影师,支持其他伟大的女性,展示我们伟大的城市,我感到很自豪.

“这让我在孩子们中间获得了一些‘街头信誉’. 今天已经有很多人来告诉我,我能去现场是多么的酷.”


Tags: Faculty


March 20, 2024
By Lake Catholic

Most high schoolers have summer jobs for spending money throughout the year.

A lesser amount saves some of that money to use after high school and help pay for college.

pp电子 Theresa Lazanich, 她把过去两年在坎特伯雷乡村俱乐部当球童的暑期工作变成了四年的全额学费和食宿费.

Theresa was named an Evans Scholarship winner at the end of January, 就在上周,她发现她将使用俄亥俄州立大学的奖学金.

埃文斯奖学金是为成绩优异的球童提供的全额学费和住宿奖学金. 根据奖学金网站, to qualify caddies must meet the requirements of having a strong caddie record, excellent academics, 证明有经济需要, 性格突出.

“I was super excited when I found out that I won the Evans Scholarship,” Theresa said. “现在我知道我要去我的第一志愿学校(俄亥俄州立大学),这更令人兴奋.

“I want to be a physician’s assistant, which will mean extra schooling. 这是一个巨大的财政承诺. And being the youngest of six kids, this is a huge help for me and my parents.”

Evans Scholars can be found at 24 universities nationwide. 他们的学生一起生活和工作在一个社区, earning a reputation for scholastic achievement and excellence in community service.

然而,埃文斯学者的不同之处在于,他们对就读的学校没有最终决定权. 一旦她获得了奖学金, 特蕾莎必须提交一份她最喜欢的三所学校的名单——她已经申请并被录取了. Her top three were Ohio State, Marquette, and Miami University.

“我可以选择俄亥俄州的学校,或者任何私立学校,或者可能是边境州立学校,”她说. “但我很高兴我被拒绝了. 1 choice.”

Theresa has been around the game of golf since she was a kid, she said. 作为家里最小的孩子,她的父母经常带她去球场打球. 她就是在那里学会了这个游戏, first hit the ball, and became fond of the game that would become such a big part of her life.

“I started playing when I was really young, maybe eight or nine (years old),” she said. “整个夏天我都会在联赛中打球,并且在莱克天主教大学打了四年.

“当我开始在这里打球的时候, 我遇到了一个博蒙特的女孩, 是谁说服我在坎特伯雷和她一起工作的.”

So, 过去的两个夏天, 特蕾莎一大早就在乡村俱乐部,全程帮助会员和客人打高尔夫球. 最终,在那里球童大师建议她申请埃文斯奖学金.

“There’s also a ton of members there who are Evans Scholars, 所以我申请的时候得到了很多支持,” she said.

All the while, she continued her successful high school career. She was a two-year captain for the Cougars while playing as the team’s No. 1 player. She was named First Team All-Crown Conference in both her junior and senior seasons.

It was after her senior season when she was named a finalist for the scholarship, and she began prepping for her interview at Moraine Country Club in the Dayton area.

她说:“四名绿大衣(主席)和其他60名埃文斯学者都在那里。. “他们都读过我的文章,我不得不站在那里回答20-25分钟的问题.”



Lake Catholic Announces Hiring of Director of Enrollment Management

February 22, 2024
By Lake Catholic


“我们很高兴地宣布聘请戴安娜·福格蒂为我们的招生管理总监,湖天主教会主席约翰·莫拉贝托说. “我们希望增加接受非凡的湖天主教教育的学生人数, Diana提供执行适当的短期和长期战略的资格."

福格蒂曾在圣. 在洛基河的约瑟夫学院工作了14年, 最近一次是自2019年起担任招生主任. 

In that role, 她策划了包括开放参观在内的活动, visit days, special events and testing; analyzed prospective student demographics and trends for increasing enrollment each year; processed student applications including transfer and international students; planned and executed summer camps; and much more.

在担任招生主任之前, 福格蒂还担任过招生助理主任(2014-2019)和招生协调员(2010-2014)。. 


Discover yourself, your faith, your future, your purpose. 成为雷克天主教家庭的一员.